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New Freethought Society of the Midlands website!

May 31, 2014

Just over a year ago a very active FSM member registered a domain,, and set up a small website and forum for the group. Prior to this our online presence had been restricted to our Meetup and Facebook groups, both of which are closed groups to protect people’s privacy. (It’s a shame that we must do this, but as one of those people who needs their privacy protected I am quite glad.) A variety of things happened that caused her to not be able to maintain the site anymore and the decision was made to offer me the webmaster position.

I made the decision to move to a new webhost (I’m not a fan of Go Daddy, and I got a much cheaper deal with a full hosting package rather than a simple 4 page site builder generated page with A Small Orange) and revamp the entire site.

I’m still in the process of getting new content up, and I’ve made the decision to close down the forums (which were being hosted through a third party for $5-8 a month, depending on traffic, including web crawlers apparently) because they had been inactive for months, and the messages I posted had received no replies in a couple of weeks, but the main site is up.

The main reason I post this here is because I want to help it get ranked on Google so when people search for us they find the site. Currently the defunct, but redirecting, forum address is second in a Google search for “Freethought Society of the Midlands” and a search for the url (minus the TLD), “fsmidlands,” comes up at the top of the listings (under some flight simulator based in the UK’s Twitter…).

Anyway, I know that blog posts help bump a site’s ranking, so here you have it, the new site for the Freethought Society of the Midlands.

Edit: I’m also really proud of the 404 error page I made, though I hope no one ever sees it for a legitimate reason.

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